from Doodle to Concept to Brand
It all started from meeting doodles. There are a lot of meetings in advertising. Like, an absurd amount. So, I doodled to help pay attention (there's research about that, promise). When the meeting stopped. The doodle stopped. 
And before I knew it, I’d doodled my way into a whole cast of characters. As I'd sift through the collection, I’d wonder what they could be about. I liked their half-finished, or even quarter-finished, level of physical details due to the length of the meeting. Because I appreciated the good they could be at that stage of their life. I mean, shouldn’t we be appreciated for the good we bring at every stage of our lives? So, that’s what they became. 
A kooky cast of characters with exaggerated idiosyncrasies because it's something to celebrate! I made The MoMeMans bursting with compassion, wonder, resilience and grit, because that's who I am! Then I started sourcing products and doing just about everything, anytime I wasn't freelancing. It's been a lot of work, but it's been fun to see the results! What do you think?

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